Dear Bee,

The letters stopped for a little bit. The last couple weeks have been so stressful with school and with going back to visit home that I simply haven't found the time to really say how I feel. I'm sorry for that. But I'm so happy that we got to go on a date yesterday to MyThai. It was nice to just run off this crazy base and breathe together. I hope that in the coming weeks we have a lot more time for that. Something you said yesterday has been on my mind though. You said that sometimes you feel bad that your dreams seem to take the front seat over mine. And it's not that I don't have any - you just simply feel like I am not allowing room for my dreams.

Let me help you understand. My whole life, I have wanted to be a husband and a father. Something in me just inherently wanted to be known the way you now know me, and to hold my children in my arms and grow them to be way better humans than I ever was. My dream ends there. Anything beyond that is simply grace and a gift from God. My callings, my ventures, my business, and my ministry are all simply blessings from God that I get to walk out in conjunction with my dream come true. The honest truth is, I just want to be a man, a dad, a husband, and a lover of God. The dream is becoming the best of these forms that I can become. I know you have so many dreams - of cooking school, of traveling the world and sharing Jesus across the globe, of raising a family and children that love God and make Him known… and I'm with you in all these things. They're all my dream! They all make me want to jump for joy, because you are my dream. Your future is my dream.
I'm not just trying to sound nice. I really mean it. I don't have some spectacular vision (though I'm not closed to it coming). But I know the calling of God on my life has been as a friend, as a brother, as a Son, and as a Lover. I'll persist in these callings until (perhaps) God gives me a crazy picture of where my call will take me.

Regardless, I'm with you until the end.

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