Dear Bee,

We did it! Today marks the end of our crazy bible school that we decided to do right at the beginning of our marriage. I still can't believe we made it through and that we are going to Asia this summer! What an adventurous life we lead! I'm praying and hoping for our future now - a wonderful season of open doors! Or prison. Who knows?

Ha! I may sound slightly crazy but I just trust that Jesus will protect us and guide us further than we could ever go on our own. I mean really, is there any way we could have gotten where we are today without the help of God and countless servants who love Him?

I feel slightly ill at ease being done with CSBS. Lots of questions arise about how we'll continue to use the truth, perspective, and anointing we have gained - but in the end, we must simply remain faithful to our Jesus. That is what matters.

There's so much more to say but you know I would much rather say it face to face. So I will. One week from today we'll be hopping on a plane to the other side of the world! His Kingdom Come!

With sincerest love,


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