Dear Bee,
I am always happy to see you get passionate. Whenever there's that familiar spark in your eye, that ever-so-intense tone to your voice, I remind myself how blessed I am to have a wife like you.

I mean, think about it! Without your crazy moments of wild passion and fearless faith, we wouldn't be on the track we are on now. We wouldn't have gone to Japan and Thailand last year, wouldn't have gotten engaged in a river, wouldn't have gotten married barefoot, and wouldn't be planning a trip to East Asia this summer.

Hearing you talk with Charlie and Louise at lunch just for me excited for the years to come in whatever corner of the globe God calls us to. I'm sure that wherever it may be, I can count on you by my side for a whirlwind adventure. Here's to the years without fears facing down spears and talking about Jesus to any who will hear(s).


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