Dear Bee,

I happen to be experiencing a strange sensation that I have realized I find myself replaying over and over since our wedding day. I was just in our room, getting ready for the day, when I realized that I feel the same way I did when I was waiting to see you come around the corner, and down the aisle.
The feeling came when I saw you putting on makeup as I walked out the door. The revelation then dawned on me that I get to see you in an hour at the worship session on base. And all of a sudden, there came these jitters - like August 25th. I kept thinking, "I can't wait to see her in the meeting hall!" And it isn't some superficial thing either - it has less to do with the fact that you go from hair and morning breath a-blazing to drop-dead-gorgeous  supermodel every morning when you use a brush, and more to do with the simple fact that each day, I get the realization that this unbelievably sexy woman is with me for it all. You're mine in every season, and by my side through every storm.

And that's amazing. It feels like the moment you walked towards me and we said those vows, not because you look stunning in white, but because you and I are going to be together til the end.

With hair a-blazing,

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