Dear Bee,
This has been a hard day for me and I don't quite know how to share it with you. My policy with you has always been honesty and transparency and when I start adapting that policy towards others, and truly committing to be a confidant to others as well as you, I find myself full of the burdens of other people and feeling unable to share or unload those burdens with you. This is the point where I begin to feel overwhelmed - until I remember that as a friend, my role is only to carry that burden to the cross of Jesus with and alongside them.
That being said, today was full of tension for me as I heard the pain of friends all around me. Sisters and brothers are far more overwhelmed by their individual burdens than I could ever hope to shoulder on my own or even understand. I am so glad that I have God by my side in times like this, and glad that you are so gracious to me.

On a seemingly unrelated note, I am blessed by the way we practice this marriage covenant of ours. You and I may not be seasoned in this venture yet, but I will say we've experienced some garbage in the first year of our marriage thus far. And it seems that regardless of how the circumstances seem to mount against us, we stay together and don't tend to drift apart. Probably because we're both holding so tightly onto one another and probably because God is the strength fuelling the whole thing. Thank you for your faithfulness and for your grace. It is rare and I do not want to discount it or make it feel cheap. You are a gift to me and I never want to take it for granted.

I'm just praying right now that you give me a big 'ole hug later.


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