Dear Bee,
You are napping next to me on a picnic blanket in the park. We just watched Oblivion with Tom Cruise, got Subway sandwiches and are on our way to prank my little sisters' room with balloons and ribbons.
Laying here with you is perfection. I never dreamed I would end up in a love like this, or to feel the way I do about you. But every single day, without fail, I find myself loving you more.

- pause - You woke up.

Anyways. We just finished TP'ing two little girls' room and felt very proud of it. We're majestically shameless. I have to admit how much fun you can be, Bee. Praying with you in the car took me back to that first afternoon we spent in the park together, the week we met. Your prayer have always been attractive to me, simply because of the simple grace and humility with which you approach God. I married a god-fearing woman! I hope we get to pray like this all the time - for family, for our future kids, for our ministry. It always make me feel united to you in heart. Let's keep praying out loud. It made me uncomfortable, in a growing and stretching kind of way. And I'm always in need of that.


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