Dear Beccah,
I've honestly been thinking a lot about a lot of different people and issues lately, and I may have been passing over you. Maybe it's because you don't mourn as publicly or speak as openly as I (so drastically) do, but I haven't been noticing the ways that you are trying to deal with everything that has happened the last couple months - health issues, disappointment from trusted friends, losing your grandpa, and all the burdens you help your friends carry with that huge heart and those ripped biceps of yours. I hope that I can understand you and your proccess better. Grief and loss hit everyone differently and you handle what's on your plate so gracefully, responsibly, and gently. I'm thankful to have the inside scoop on your internal proccess. It's beautiful to know and love another person so intimately.

That all being said, I will go back to laying naked in this bed next to you because its so blasphemously hot in this bedroom and even the fan isn't helping. Oh, summer you're already here. What joy!

With love,

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